Contact Us
Local pick-up:
Please do call or email to arrange an appointment ahead of time, so we can know to expect you for contactless porch pick-up. We apologize that due to the current health climate, we can't accommodate store or warehouse browse, but we could eg, arrange to have limited items upon request available for viewing outdoors. We're glad to try and find creative solutions to help during this time.
247 Mackay Street Ottawa, ON K1M 2B6 Canada
Phone us:
The best times to reach us by phone are: 9 AM – 3 PM, weekdays, Eastern Standard Time.
Please feel free to try calling outside these times if better for you, but please bear in mind 'waking hours' Eastern Standard Time.
Write us:
We're happy to answer questions or otherwise. Please fill out the form below, & we'll get back to you as soon as we are able.