12 tone rainbow glockenspiel + halftone set

DECR 5781

Regular price $165.00

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Learn to play notes with the help of the colours

In this rainbow glockenspiel, each tone is assigned a colour.  This makes it easier for children to learn to play the notes.  In the accompanying booklet, which is enclosed with every glockenspiel, you can find notes with a coloured border.  This can be done by hand on any sheet music even by parents and children.  The colour assignment is based on the physical basis of octaving the tone until it shows the corresponding colour in the colour spectrum.

The diatonic 12-tone glockenspiel can be extended to a chromatic 20-tone glockenspiel with the help of the rainbow semitone set.

The semitone phrase is simply attached to the back of the glockenspiel.

The slightly curved, slightly inclined arrangement of the coloured sound carriers offers good playing opportunities.

Glockenspiel with booklet and mallets included.  One hard wooden mallet, and one wooden mallet with soft rubber cover for gentler sounds.

Made in Germany.